Welcome !
Au coeur du bocage, la Maison du Charolais vous invite à découvrir la race charolaise mondialement connue, issue d'un élevage respectueux de son milieu naturel et devenu l'emblème de sa terre natale, le Charolais Brionnais.
Le temps d'une pause, l'espace visite, la boutique et le restaurant "La Table" vous attendent à Charolles, dans le sud de la Bourgogne. A leurs côtés, l'Institut Charolais, par la recherche, la valorisation et l'innovation, valorise cette viande de qualité, à travers une large gamme de recettes savoureuses telles que tartinades, terrines ou autres plats cuisinés...
The Maison du Charolais team welcomes you all year
At the museum and in the shop, from Monday to Sunday and on public holidays
* from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. (from 01/03 to 31/10)
* from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. (from 02/11 to 28/02)
At the restaurant, every day at 12:00 and in the evenings depending on the period.
Booking recommended on 03 85 24 00 46
Discovering the Maison du Charolais

The Charolais breed
The Charolais cattle breed is present in more than 70 countries. It is highly appreciated for the gustative quality of its meat and for its breeding stock. This robust breed knows how to adapt to the qualities of its environment. It is used in crossbreeding to improve other breeds. Since 2010, a PDO has been promoting its meadow breeding method.

The Charolais Institute
The Association Institut Charolais, located in the heart of the cradle of the breed, supports the actors of the Charolais meat industry to promote, innovate and enhance the value of quality meats. In addition to its activity, it now offers custom processing services to producers who wish to expand their range with canned products.